CCS is an unnecessary, expensive, wasteful diversion away from a modern, efficient renewable-powered economy with good jobs for all.


  • M.I.T. professor shows why CCS can never be affordable or effective

    In this video, M.I.T. Professor Charles Harvey shows why CCS can never compete economically with solar an wind power, and why CCS increases greenhouse gas emissions instead of reducing them. (See also

  • CCS will use huge amounts of Iowa's scarce water

    In this stunning investigation, rural Iowa resident Jessica Wiskus reveals that huge quantities of Iowa water are earmarked for a “use” not recognized by Iowa law.

  • Video: A Journalist's Guide to CCS Greenwashing

    Veteran journalists from reveal the true purpose of CCS: To allow more burning of fossil fuels while pretending to avert climate change.

  • CCS Won't Fix Our Climate Problem

    In this devastating critique, CCS expert June Sekera reveals that the IPCC doesn’t believe CCS is an important climate fix. CCS is just a cover story for oil companies to keep selling oil and methane gas.

  • Privately, Big Oil says CCS is just a way to burn more oil, not fix the climate

    Internal memos reveal that Big Oil believes CCS is just a way to sell more oil (not a way to help the climate), AND CCS can’t be built without public money, AND it may never work.

  • Video: CCS on federal land

    Private landholders across the Midwest have thwarted burial of toxic waste carbon dioxide. Now the carbon polluters have set their sites on federal lands for burying their toxic waste.

  • U.S. Forest Service Proposes CCS in National Forests

    The U.S. Forest Service has proposed a new rule to allow toxic waste CO2 to be buried in national forests.

  • Regulatory Gaps Plague CCS

    Carbon capture & storage is being deployed without regulations to limit massive fraud, or shield the public from deadly explosions, or protect the natural environment.

  • Gaps in federal and state CCS regulations leave the public unprotected

    Attorney Carolyn Raffensperger shows that regulations governing CCS are pathetically inadequate for protecting the public from this dangerous plan to keep the oil and gas industries profitable.

  • A Contradiction of Intent: How Carbon Capture Perpetuates Fossil Fuels

    Sheri Deal-Tyne, MPP, examines the contradiction in carbon capture: it is being presented as a climate solution when it is the opposite. Every stage of CCS increases the use of fossil fuels, the main drivers of climate change.

  • Some Basic Facts about CCS

    Here are some basic facts about CCS in one short document.

  • Talking Points

    Here's a set of “talking points” for people who want to reveal the true facts about carbon capture and storage. These talking points are not exhaustive, but are a good place to prepare for a discussion of CCS.

  • Video: CCS and EPA

    Attorney Victoria Bogdan Tejeda discusses why U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is not equipped to regulate carbon capture and storage.

  • Congress says CCS allows oil companies "to continue business as usual" while pretending concern for the climate emergency.

    A year-long investigation by the House Committee on Oversight, concluded Dec. 9, 2022, reveals a cynical, ongoing campaign of lies and deception by Big Oil executives.

  • Big oil knew in the 1980s that CCS was not the answer

    Exxon’s Canadian subsidiary Imperial Oil studied CCS in the 1980s and concluded that CCS is prohibitively expensive and would cut emissions only a small percent.

  • CCS is Climate Change's "Healthy" Cigarette

    This op-ed in Harvard University Public Health Magazine compares carbon capture (CCS and enhanced oil recovery [EOR]) to the cigarette industry’s patently false claims (over decades) that filtered cigarettes are healthy for you.

  • CCS requires massive amounts of water

    This 2021 report shows that widespread use of CCS to meet the 1.5 degree C. goal for global temperature rise would double human consumption of water, creating scarcity in many places.

  • Hard Facts about CCS

    In this 29-minute video, CCS experts June Sekera and Neva Goodwin offer the hard facts about this failed technology.

  • California has bet the farm on CCS, thus encouraging massive pollution in the Midwestern states

    California intends to go all-in on carbon capture & storage (CCS) but this decision will motivate major polluters to continue harming Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin and the Gulf of Mexico.

  • Indigenous Environmental Network statement: "CCS Will Not Work"

    Carbon capture is not a climate solution. It is a dangerous distraction from the real need, which is for governments to prioritize investment in safe and sustainable climate solutions.

  • Great Plains Action Society Statement Opposing CCS

    The Great Plains Action Society firmly opposes CCS and carbon pipelines, which will provide excuses for further land theft and harm to communities on Indigenous territories.

  • CCS would reduce CO2 in the worst possible way

    This analysis by the Ohio River Valley Institute (ORVI) shows that CCS (if it worked) would reduce atmospheric CO2 “in the worst possible way.”

  • Carbon Capture is Not a Climate Solution

    CCS is unnecessary for the rapid transformation required to keep warming under 1.5°C,and it allows the fossil fuel industry to continue polluting.

  • CCS Explainer

    This short document from the Center for Biological Diversity explains why carbon capture and storage is a false solution for the climate and for communities.

  • The Case Against Carbon Capture

    False claims and new pollution: despite billons in public support, CCS cannot compete with other energy sources without continuous taxpayer bailouts. Read this report from Food and Water Watch.

  • 50 Years of False Hope and Hot Air

    A brief history of CCS from Oil Change International.

  • Statement from Climate Action Network

    Climate Action Network is the largest network of civil society organizations working together to promote government action to address the climate crisis. Their statement provides an excellent overview of CCS.

  • Too Good To Be True: The Risks of Public Investment in CCS

    From the Western Organization of Resource Councils (WORC): From capture to transport to storage, CCS technology has proven itself to be expensive, inefficient, unreliable, and insecure, despite billions in public investment so far.

  • CCS is "Too little, too late."

    This 2022 report from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (in the UK) shows that carbon capture and storage (CCS) cannot be deployed rapidly enough to avoid an average global temperature rise of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 deg. Fahrenheit). The report says, bluntly, CCS is “too little too late.”

  • Humorous CCS Videos

    A collection of humorous videos about carbon capture and storage (formerly known as “clean coal”) found across the internet.

  • Informative CCS Videos

    Here are some of the best videos that explain and clarify various aspects of carbon capture and storage.

  • Available webinars on CCS

    Here is a short list of webinars on CCS available for viewing. Within the list, click on a link to view the webinar.