Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is dangerous, expensive, wasteful, and unnecessary.

Health, Safety, and Regulations

  • Carbon Capture and Public Health

    This fact sheet was prepared by Ms. Sheri Deal-Tyne and published by the Iowa chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility.

  • Health Effects of Carbon Dioxide

    Dr. Ted Schettler, M.D., M.P.H., researched and wrote this fact sheet on the human health effects of exposure to carbon dioxide (CO2).

  • CCS Endangers Public Health and Safety

    This quick explainer from the Center for Biological Diversity informs readers about why carbon capture and storage is a false solution for the climate and for our communities.

  • Video: Dr. Ted Schettler on public health & CCS

    Dr. Ted Schettler, MD, MPH discusses public health hazards and risks from the capture, transportation (via pipeline) and storage of carbon dioxide (CO2).

  • CCS Increases Toxic Emissions from Power Plants

    This technical article reveals that adding post-combustion CCS to an existing power plant will increase “traditional” pollutants, as follows: nitrogen oxides (44 percent increase), ammonia (30-fold increase), particulate matter (33 percent increase). See Table 3.

  • Carbon Capture Cannot Stop the Oil Industry from Giving Cancer to Children

    Capturing CO2 from oil extraction will do nothing to prevent public health horrors from the oil industry’s other toxic emissions, such as leukemia in children.